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The Grimerica Show

Jul 18, 2015

Interview begins at 30:00
John Potash; author of "Drugs as a Weapon Against Us - CIA's Murdurous Targeting of SDS, Panthers, Hendrix, Lennon, Cobain, Tupac and Other Activists"
John did his graduate studies at Columbia University where he received a Master's in Social Welfare and was mentored by Richard Cloward - one of America's top sociologists. He was the founding publisher of an award- winning mational graduate school newspaper, Social Justice Action Quarterly
Potash published his first book, The FBI War on Tupac Shakur and Black Leaders, in 2007 to which Mumia Abu- Jamai contributed to the foreward. Potash has been featured on CSPAN's American History TV and has been interviewed on dozens of radio stations around the U.S. and abroad. His work has also been published in the Baltimore Chronicle, The City Paper, Covert Action Quarterly, Rock Creek Free Press, and Z magazine. 
He has worked counseling people with mental health issues and addictions for over 25 years.
We chat about the "other" side of some of the more so called enlightening drugs like acid/lsd, weed and ecstasy. And the "war on" and supply chain of the harder drugs and what kind of role the big banks and CIA play in this. We also talk a bit about addiction and how there can be hope in recovery. Tupac's family history is quite coincidental and John's research uncovers some truly mind blowing facts, that we should not ignore. Read this tomb of research and come to your own conclusion. 
In this intro Red Pill Junkie is back again and we chat a bit about the upcoming episode, directer cometary panspermia, and japanese cryptids. Also, see links below for some upcoming events in the local/Calgary area. 
Links to topics covered dur
ing the intro:
Grimerica Theme - Lock & Key
HeartBreak Elmo - Mad Decent
MK Ultra 2 - Lawrence Dawkins


Drugs are my Weapon - Pinball