Dec 5, 2015
Interview Starts 30:10
Dale Pond - of The Pond Science Institute (PSI) is a place
where people can learn all aspects of Sympathetic Vibratory
Physics. This is another important bridge between science and
spirituality. Dale has a diversified background in many things
including chemistry, physics, engineering, hydrodynamics, geometry,
acoustics, math, and tool making. He's a maker of Musical
Dynaspheres and has been able to show that vibration/oscillation is
at the root of all things and links mind and matter.
We talk about "raising your vibration", cymatics, life force
and love, and people awakening. Free energy inventions and Ideas
from the wonderbasket are also discussed. Take a look at Dale's
beautifully crafted Dynasphere's and the affect they have on
people. We also chat about those moments of clarity when one feel's
the oneness of beauty and walking on fire. Oh yeah, and some older
cigar shaped UFO tales....
In the intro we chat upcoming Paramania, 4 profound UFO quotes
and Darren has some quotes from twitter. A couple listener
synchronicities are shared as well. Thanks to all those who
are helping us spread the word. Tell a friend about the show and
send in your stories of awakening.
See the links below for stuff talked about during the show
and intro:
Paramania, the Uncon - April 1-3 Dallas TX
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Thanks to Wayne Darnell for help with the website.