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The Grimerica Show

Aug 25, 2018

Interview Starts 45:40
Carl Joseph DeMarco joins us to chat about his new book, fiction based on conspiracy/facts - The Giza Death Star Restored. This is a great page turner that incorporates so many themes and topics that we talk about in Grimerica. We chat about why he wrote the book and how he was inspired by...

Aug 18, 2018

Interview Starts 58:40
Joe Rupe, host of Lighting the Void on Fringe FM joins us to talk about studying the esoteric, magick, the paranormal and his radio show.
We also chat about white and black magick, contemporary podcasts, original writers of OTO and Golden Dawn, finding your divine self, the astral realm and...

Aug 12, 2018

Best of the Grimerica Black Budget feed episodes 1-25


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Thanks to Adam Loyal for The Mix

Aug 5, 2018

Interview Starts 46:45
Scott Adams joins us to chat about How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big, persuasion, and podcasting his periscope. Scott talks about the challenges he has overcome, how elastic our brains are, affirmations, confirmation bias, systems vs goals, some of our favorite books and much...