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The Grimerica Show

Jun 28, 2021

Interview starts at 38:00
John DeHerrera joins us for a full episode chatting about the opportunity with Article V of the Constitution, Sir Bacon = Shakespeare and the Hopi prophecies. ** His internet is sporadic and it cycle’s through some rough spots. Our apologies ** 
We get into Sir Francis Bacon being...

Jun 21, 2021

Welcome to our show 500 celebration - Call in Show, hosted by the magical Joe Rupe at Fringe FM.
Thank you to all who called in and for all those who have been with us for this amazing ride to 500 eps. We have the best listeners, guests and community and that’s been the best part of this.
We chat about all kinds...

Jun 14, 2021

Interview starts at 41:10
Michael Ronin joins us to chat about his book "Modern Masculinity for the Conscious Man: Making Sense in Troubled Times”. Michael is an interdisciplinary cultural commentary, and has not held back as he goes deep in this book. 
We chat about the way on men, our shadow...

Jun 11, 2021

Ben Grundy joins us for an incredible chat about the communist attempt to take over the world. Ben is co-host of the incredible Mysterious Universe podcast, and he steps out of that comfort zone to hammer us with knowledge and interesting theories on the divine machinations of this world order, global take over. With...

Jun 7, 2021

Interview starts at 43:40
Sarah salter Kelly joins us to chat about her book “Trauma As Medicine”. We chat about her mother’s murder in Edmonton, dealing with that as a family while it was all over the news, healing from that and coming to reconciliation with the murderer. 
We also get into trusting our guts,...