Dr. Katherine Horton - creator of stop007.org is here to chat about the
latest in her battle against harassment abuses from the “one
agency” a global network of national and international intelligence
agencies. She has a team of women now creating awareness in the
public and helping other victims around the world. Katherine is a
particle physicist, who used to work for CERN then decided to try
and do something a little more helpful. She started studying human
systems until she became the focus of intel groups after attending
a high profile court case in London.
We chat about this global network and the current polarized
paradigm of globalists vs nationalists, and the elite power
structure, central banking “the one bank” and the
current surveillance state. Modern high tech weaponry - lethal
and non lethal is talked about, and the new news of wiki-leaks
vault 7, and the huge potential of helping through crowd funding
court cases.
In the intro we discuss feedback from last weeks ep with Kosta
and Hollis from ET LetsTalk and a listener sighting and
corresponding youtube video that triggered his memory. Graham talks
about the benefits of prolotherapy in the bio-tinkering segment.
And the UFO quote of the week is from cia…
See the links below for stuff we chatted about during the show
and the intro:
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The Grimerica Show is a podcast featuring casual conversations with people we find interesting. The podcast features guest from fields ranging from ufos to conspiracies to psychedelics, meditation, consciousness, folklore and more. Please contact us if your interested in appearing on the show.