Dec 24, 2015
Interview Starts 38:15
David J. Rodriguez is the publisher The Underground History of American Education by the world famous teacher, John Taylor Gatto.
He is also the Founder of Education Options (, which is a not-for-profit organization that promotes private schooling and homeschooling.
His newest book project with Mr. Gatto has exclusive contributions from Dr. Ron Paul, G. Edward Griffin, and Lew Rockwell, and will be made into a film in 2018. In addition, Mr. Rodriguez is the Founding Principal of Valor Academy, which is a private school (grades 6-12) that sets students free to pursue their interests, passions, and dreams.
We chat about the controversial history of Education but also
we talk a lot about new forms of learning and solutions available
to people if they want to opt out of the education system. The
affect the Internet has, common core, attendance laws,
positive influences, and challenges during ones youth that can be
life changing in positive ways.
Red Pill Junkie joins us for the intro again and has some
interesting thoughts on education as well. Red also talks about
Mike Clelland's up coming book, and we hash it out over UFO's and
there pysicality or lack there of.
Don't try Darren's home made eggnog recipe or you may not
remember Christmas at all.... And be sure to check in with us this
Tuesday the 29th 9:00 - midnight EST for a live call in simulcast
podcast with Micah from the Gralien Report, Red Pill Junkie and the
good ole Texan folks Cam and Kyle from Expanded
828-398-4886 call in number
Links to stuff talked about during intro with RPJ:
paramania, the Unconference
Links to stuff we chatting about during the interview with
David Rodriguez:
Incontrivertable. the new documentary
2 + 2 = 5
summerhill 2008
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