Stuart Hameroff MD, joins us to chat about the research into
quantum consciousness and his work over the years with Sir Roger
Penrose. It’s more like an orchestra with musical resonances in all
cells and neurons. We chat about how consiousness happens at a
deeper level than the neuronal pathway, and possibly with the
resonance and frequency of the microtubules.
We also chat about quantum coherence, nanotechnology,
photosynthesis and photon collection, NDE and OBE’s, transcranial
ultrasound, and much more.
This is a great long uninterrupted chat with Stuart and we get
into all sorts of fascinating topics and TOE’s.
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just many hours of unlimited content for free. Thanks for
Join the chat / hangout with a bunch of fellow
The Grimerica Show is a podcast featuring casual conversations with people we find interesting. The podcast features guest from fields ranging from ufos to conspiracies to psychedelics, meditation, consciousness, folklore and more. Please contact us if your interested in appearing on the show.