Bruce Fenton, author of The Forgotten Exodus - the Into Africa
Theory of Human Evolution joins us for another long uninterrupted
chat. He talks about his new book, an accumulation of the latest
scientific research into our origins as the human race. Our current
mainstream model of “out of Africa” still holds fast - barely
- despite the amount of research that contradicts it. Bruce
gets into the details of this evidence and we chat about lineages
vs species, Homo Erectus - the wanderer, the earliest tool makers,
the profound archaeological sites including the lost city of Giants
in Equador, the sudden explosion of evolution and how Toba was just
about the end of our species.
We also get a little deeper into underground migrations,
species vs trait evolution, the hobbit’s and the giants, and some
recovered artifacts.
In the intro Darren goes on another rant about vaccines and
his social media fights.. and Graham reads some listener emails
about Hollywood and the polarization of media.
See the links below to stuff we chatted about during the show
and the intro:
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The Grimerica Show is a podcast featuring casual conversations with people we find interesting. The podcast features guest from fields ranging from ufos to conspiracies to psychedelics, meditation, consciousness, folklore and more. Please contact us if your interested in appearing on the show.