Dec 6, 2022
Rick McCoy, son of Richard Floyd McCoy Jr (the real DB Cooper)
joins us with Brandon Powell for a chat about his dad, and what is
was like growing up knowing your dad was DB Cooper, but not able to
really say anything….
We chat about his father’s two tours in Nam, his commendations
from the war, his missionary work, the FBI fiasco, his prison
breakouts, and his struggle, trauma, migraines (potentially from
Agent Orange) after his return from the war.
We get deep into the whole story from Nam into the current
days. Brandon reads some of letters from Richard about his
experience in the war. The parachute - new evidence is revealed,
the copy cat hijacking, family abuse, the death of his mom and
grandma are all discussed.
In the appendix all the letters from the awards, letters and
commendations are narrated.
See link to Dan Gryder’s recent second episode about DB Cooper
and the FBI:
In the YouTube doc Dan Gryder talks to the FBI agent who
killed Richard, the parachute instructor, and many others, and show
the new evidence of the parachute.
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