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The Grimerica Show

Mar 21, 2023

Interview starts at 34:50
David Mathisen and Kesenya Moore join us for a chat about Astrology, Darren and Graham’s Charts, the Myths of the stars, what we will be looking at in the night time sky in Utah this April. We chat about Lineages in Astrology, ancient artwork, the evolution of Contact at the Cabin, how the Myths are referenced in the stars and are ultimately about our personal growth.
Kesenya reads our charts – Darren is arising into destiny and Graham will need to put his image to what he is doing. It will come to him…. The importance of age 42, and quote from ancient sources and the bible.
See links below for both of their work and for our upcoming trip to Utah:
In the intro we chat about Malcolm Bendall’s Tech release, some quotes and also some synchronicities from our chats.
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