Dana Durnford joins us to chat about his research into the
effect of the Nuclear radiation on the Pacific Ocean and the
west coast of Canada. Dana has spent 1000’s of hours boating and
diving in these waters and has noticed a big change since
the Fukushima disaster. We talk about excess cancers, infant
mortality, the death of the Pacific and the gag orders he has been
given. We also chat about GMO’s, restructuring water, and eating
healthy to obtain natural iodine.
In the intro we chat about Graham’s bio-hacking segment,
cryotherapy at the local Bronze Baxx and the possibility
of a healing centre just outside of Calgary. Darren rants
about vaccines and a new multi part special on the interwebs… “The
Truth About Vaccines”. And of course, the Profound UFO quote of the
See all the links at the bottom for chat room, support etc.
and the links directly below for stuff we chatted about during the
show and the intro:
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List: !! – Grimerica is fully and solely listener supported. We
adhere to the Value for Value model. 0 ads, 0
sponsorships, 0 breaks, 0 portals and links to corporate websites…
just many hours of unlimited content for free. Thanks for
Join the chat / hangout with a bunch of fellow
The Grimerica Show is a podcast featuring casual conversations with people we find interesting. The podcast features guest from fields ranging from ufos to conspiracies to psychedelics, meditation, consciousness, folklore and more. Please contact us if your interested in appearing on the show.