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The Grimerica Show

Aug 2, 2013

Special episode!! with Red Pill Junkie in the first half and Michael Cremo of famed “Forbidden Archaeology” in the second half. Despite some technical gremlins the guys have a great chat about the latest in Forteana with RPJ. Michael Cremo and the lads chat about everything from Michael’s new book “My Science, My Religion”, the Vedas, Spirituality and Science, and of course Ancient Archeology that happens to be glossed over by mainstream science and academia.


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Follow Michael Cremo on Twitter


Evangelion the movie 

Recent Books:

Cremo, M. A., and Thompson, R. L. (1993) Forbidden Archeology. 

Cremo, M. A., and Thompson, R. L. (1994) The Hidden History of the Human Race. 

Cremo, M. A., and Goswami, M. (1995) Divine Nature: A Spiritual Perspective on the Environmental Crisis. 

Cremo, M.A. (1998) Forbidden Archeology’s Impact.

Cremo, M.A. and Thompson, R.L. (1999) The Hidden History of the Human Race. 

Cremo, M.A. (2003) Human Devolution: A Vedic Alternative to Darwin’s Theory  

Cremo, M.A. (2010) The Forbidden Archeologist: The Atlantis Rising Columns of Michael A. Cremo, 

Cremo, M.A. (2012) My Science, My Religion: Academic Papers (1994-2009),   


Michael can be contacted via his website email address:

About the Bhaktivedanta Institute

The Bhaktivedanta Institute (BI) is the scientific research branch of the International Society for Krishna  Consciousness.   Founded in 1976 by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, it advances the study of the nature and origin of life, utilizing Vedic insights into consciousness, the self, and the origin of the universe.





Jenova - Rameses B


Asteroid - Rameses B


Smoke- Ryoku


Something Elated - Broke for Free



Grimerica Theme Song - Lock & Key