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The Grimerica Show

Jul 25, 2022

Interview starts at 31:10
Matt Lohmeier, X-Space Force Lieutenant Colonel joins us for a great chat about bringing the positive to this dire situation and staying peaceful in resistance. Matt's great book "Irresistible Revolution" is discussed, along with covid jab mandates, the DOD and the CRT message from the top,...

Jul 18, 2022

Interview starts at 34:40
Tom Paladino from Scalar Light joins us to chat about healing through a photographs unique energy signature. This is a tesla type energy of the ether, chi, prana what have you, an analogue to consciousness.
We chat about omnipresence, sunlight/starlight, scaler, instruments, catholic...

Jul 11, 2022

Interview starts at 35:05
Kevin Alves of UNPAVED TV joins us to chat about exploring and trying extreme sports for his channel. He tells us the synchronistic story of how he bumped into us and Randall Carlson on one of our Scabland trips.
We chat about outdoor living, the Unpaved Adventure Van, Kosmographia, Mammoth...

Jul 4, 2022

An Audio Reading of the mysterious paper, Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars

Jul 4, 2022

Interview starts at 32:55
Terry Wolfe, author of "Fire in the Rabbit Hole" joins us for a controversial chat about Conspiracies and Christianity.  We get into the true message of Christ, the persecutions of non church dogma Christians in the past, The fourth rider of the apocalypse (hint, Green World Order), and the...