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The Grimerica Show

May 24, 2016

Interview starts 30:50
Paul Krishnamurty - The Political Gambler joins us to chat about gambling on USA and other politics. Paul is a professional gambler and a chief analyst for the worlds leading betting exchange We chat about his need and ability to stay neutral while following political propaganda and how he sifts through the mainstream media. We chat about how crazy this years election cycle is in the US between Trump, Sanders and Clinton and how things have changed with social media and how the outsiders are winning around the globe.
We also get into match fixing and the difference between the US and UK media. Check out the links for all the stuff you can bet on (as long as you are not Canadian). 
In the introduction we get into some listener tales and synchronicities. Graham reads a MUFON report 76247 from and we chat about the old Grimerica episode with Terry Ray about the invasion of the Orange Orbs. Also, The 'No Agenda' meet up is coming up this weekend in Red Deer. See link below. Also see the link on how you can support the show as we are almost finished raising money for a new recording computer.
Links below for stuff talked about during the show and the intro: Episode with Terry Ray
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Thanks to Wayne Darnell for help with the website. link to Napolean Dehume's site
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